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Windows 7 hidden secret-the God mode-find all the settings of windows 7

Windows 7 is so vast and so customizable , windows 7 can be moulded just the way you wanted from your operating system , but these customization need hard work , and to figure it out where all the seeting can me changed needs time , just to decrease your efforts anf make your windows 7 even more cool , we find this God Mode , yes as the name suggests it gives you god mode handleing of windows 7 thats is all windows 7 settings can be configured at one place without much of a hazzel , and you wil get the best experience of windows 7 .

To enable the GOD Mode in Windows 7 follow these steps :

Step1 - Creat a new folder ( by right click> select new >folder )

Step 2 - Name your new folder as

now your folder icon changes to simillar to Control panel
by clicking it you will get a folder with all your option at one place , we are sure it eases the effort of customizing windows 7.

note.  Tested only for windows 7 32bit version .



Anonymous said...

wow its awesome so much easy with this in windows 7